Patient Sign-up/Enrolment with Cambridge Medical Centre
Patient enrolment is crucial to the Government's Primary Health Care Strategy. Ensuring that patients obtain their health care from one general practice helps with continuity of care along with reducing the cost of services. Continuity of care results in better health and we recommend and encourage all our eligible patients to enroll.
Enrolment Form and
Transfer of records
To register with our practice you need to complete an enrolment form either by paper or electronic . We will request your medical history from your previous doctor with your permission and you will be asked to sign a form for this.
Please note we are not currently accepting new enrolments.
January/February 2025 requests to enrol
In order to focus on continuing to provide high quality care and services for our registered patients we have made the decision to close enrolments and therefore will not be accepting any new requests to enroll with Cambridge Medical Centre. We will review this at the end of February 2025.
Please refer to Healthpoint to find out information about other providers
Some key points about Enrolment
Patients can only be enrolled with one general practice. If you choose to enroll with another general practice, you are automatically no longer enrolled with the previous practice.
The fact that you are enrolled with one general practice does not restrict you from consulting another doctor somewhere else, but you will be a casual (non-funded) patient at that practice unless you choose to enroll there.
If you have not been seen at our Medical Centre for 3 years, you will be asked to sign a new PHO enrolment form which indicates you wish to remain enrolled with our practice. This will ensure the continuation of your funding.
Enrolment "Definition"
PHO – The Primary Health Organisation who manages the funding for General Practices on behalf of the Government and the Ministry of Health. Our PHO is Midlands Health, and they are based in Hamilton.
Registered Patient – A patient who is part of our regular patient group whose medical records are held by us and to whom we send reminders when immunisations fall due or monitoring procedures need to be repeated (e.g. cervical smears, mammograms, regular checks or INR blood tests). You can be a registered patient without being an enrolled patient.
Enrolled Patient – A registered patient who has completed a valid PHO Enrolment form and meets the criteria to be eligible for Government funding through the PHO. If a patient does not meet the criteria they can remain a registered patient but will not be eligible for Government funding towards their medical costs.
Funded Patient – A patient whose completed PHO Enrolment form has been submitted and accepted by the PHO and whose funding has been received by the Practice. The time delay between enrolling and being funded can be anything from 6 to 20 weeks depending on where we are in the PHO funding cycle. (Refer to the PHO Funding Cycle below)
Casual Patient – A patient who visits the Health Centre for medical care on a one off or short-term basis (eg a person who is in the area on holiday). We do not apply for PHO funding towards the medical costs of Casual Patients, although some subsidies are still claimable to assist with the cost for eligible patients eg ACC, and we do not recall them for routine screening or monitoring procedures.
48 Alpha Street
PO Box 125, Cambridge 3434
P: 07 827 7184